Tuesday 2 August 2016


Good evening people!
I hope you all are having a good day.

Since the monsoons are going on, fast food pangs tend to increase (atleast for me!), ;)
So, today as I was searching for something tasty to eat, i came across this amazingly tasty and cheap ingredient and I immediately knew what I wanted to cook! Can you guys believe this pasta would only cost you around 20 to 25 bucks! And I think that is way too less for a pasta these days. Did I forget to mention that it contains roughly around 150-180 calories? :D 

So enough on weaving nests now, let me share with you this amazingly delicious and healthy pasta recipe.
(P.S. Please ignore the quality of the picture, it wasn't intended for publishing purpose.)

Knorr cup-a-soup (1 sachet) - any variant.
1 small bowl of whole wheat pasta/macaroni.
Salt (to taste or 1/2 teaspoon)
Oregano seasoning (optional)
Chilli flakes (optional)

Time: 10 minutes

Serves: 1

So, lets begin! :D

  • This is absolutely a no fuss recipe that anyone and everyone can make.
  1. Take a saucepan and empty the contents of the soup sachet in it. I used the mixed vegetable variant.
  2. Add 1 glass of water and stir well. Also add the salt at this point.
  3. Put the saucepan over high heat till the soup starts to boil.
  4. Add raw macaroni/pasta and continue stirring over medium-low heat till the pasta is cooked completely.
  5. Season with oregano and chilli flakes.

And voila! Your no oil, guilt free pasta is ready to be served. And believe you me people, this pasta is absolutely lip smacking and creamy, without the use of any cream or pasta sauces.

So, do make this pasta and share your experiences with me. :)

Till then,
Happy Cooking! :D

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